Amid the increasing number of cases and deaths around the globe due to the coronavirus, experts are encouraging people to observe safety precautions to protect oneself from it. According to them, one of the things that people should do is to refrain touching their faces, especially when outside their homes. Here is why.

Hands are considered the most exposed part of our body. We use it to touch anything we want: surfaces, doorknobs, produce, gadgets, and things alike. As we touch these things, our hands can pick up bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, which can cause our body to get sick. And that also includes the coronavirus.

Experts say, these pathogens are then able to enter the body once the hands touched the nose, eyes, and mouth. The bacteria, viruses, and pathogens then goes directly to one's throat and lungs, as explained by Stat News.

Given all these, it is indeed crucial not to touch your face with unclean hands. But unfortunately, in a study conducted in 2015, the experts in the American Journal of Infection Control found how touching one's face seems inevitable. The results revealed how people are fond of touching their faces for at least 20 times per hour on average, usually in contact with the mouth, eyes, and nose.

Though it is difficult not to touch your face, know it is still possible. There are several ways you can do to refrain yourself from doing so. Here are some of those. 


Habits are hard to alter. But with continuous training and perseverance, nothing is impossible.

So start training your body not to engage in your old habits anymore. Instead of coughing through your hands, always aim to cough into your elbow. Never greet other people by offering a handshake anymore. Bowing and waving is already a good way to go.


Oftentimes, touching your face is a response to some stimuli, emotions, or situations. So, it is also crucial to manage these things if you really want to protect yourself from the coronavirus, as advised by Market Watch.

If your eye glasses keeps on falling and doesn't fit your face, use some hair ties or ear hooks to keep it in place. You might also want to cut your nails short, if you are fond of biting it. Also, lessen your exposure to factors that could trigger your allergies or drink antihistamines to avoid itchy skin and runny nose.