WARNING: This article may contain spoilers for Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 5. Read at your own risk.

Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 5 is scheduled to arrive this week on ABC, with the title "A Trout in the Milk." The agents are heading to the 1970s within this episode, and we're going to see them sporting a new getup. But then, their mission remains the same.

In Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 5, the team continues their mission in stopping the Chronicoms from permanently destroying the timeline. They'll be facing some dangerous situation and we'll also see Mack in a precarious position.

Based on the synopsis, the team landed in a disco decade where they reunite with more than one familiar face at the SHIELD hangout. They also discover how to dismantle the latest plan of the Chronicoms. However, things get a little bit complicated.

When the team is getting too close for comfort, the Zephyr suddenly leaps forward again. This time around, they landed to a pivotal date to not only the future of the SHIELD but also the future of Director Mack. It's clear that a lot of action is coming within this episode.

What's intriguing here is that the episode title of Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 5 could factor in with everything. The title is likely a reference to the work of Henry David Thoreau, one that's inclined in the 19th century. Yet, the title actually means something.

Based on the promo, it is watering down a product and the team needs to do whatever they can to stop the Hydra agents who have infiltrated the SHIELD. Before the team headed to the 1970s, the Chronicoms made a deal with Wilfred Malick.

This partnership could possibly alter the timeline, making Hydra an even bigger threat when the team goes into the new decade. Unless, the changes made to the timeline are considered ripples, not waves. Hence, they could still preserve the history.

Time traveling is a fundamental part of the final installment, with the previous episodes going in the 1930s and 1950s. These stories lasted for two episodes, and it looks like the new installment will probably last for two episodes as well.

Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 5 airs on Wednesday night, June 24, on ABC. The episode can also be watched on the official website of ABC and can be streamed via Hulu with Live TV and DirecTV. All six seasons are available on Netflix, while Amazon Prime subscribers can acquire and stream the show.