The fact that modern life is characterized by high levels of stress can easily be agreed upon. There are several times a day when our levels of tension surge. The causes may be different for everyone, but the thing is that our emotional health, as well as our capacity to find our way out of the situation, are always impaired by this continual state of anxiety. It can also do a significant amount of damage to our physical wellbeing over a prolonged period of time.

The tension really has the power to hijack and hinder us from finding answers in our headspace. Therefore, to restore our calm, we need to find ways to alleviate anxiety quickly. For instant relief from anxiety or tension, here are five strategies you may use to regain your calm:

Three-part breathing

This method makes use of deep breathing to calm yourself during a stressful situation. Take a deep breath to the count three, hold it to the count three, and slowly release it to the count three. Do this five to 10 times, and you'll start feeling calmer gradually.


Adult coloring books are built in a manner that causes lower levels of discomfort. Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand conducted a study and found that it is possible to alleviate feelings of anxiety by using adult coloring books. Right now, you may buy one for yourself and doodle away in the meantime.


Many of us are drawn to various kinds of scents. For others, the scent of the soil is very soothing after the rain, while for others, the fragrance of citrus is enticing. It turns out, the scent you enjoy will potentially also help you deal with tension.

A research published in PubMed Central states that during difficult conditions, aromatherapy will help you preserve cognitive function. So, indulge in candles, spices, room fresheners, and perfumes that have the most comfortable scent you experience. During stressful moments, such items will help you retain your calmness.


Have you ever noticed how cheerful music stimulates you to exercise, however sad songs remind you of your lost love? That's how music has an influence on one's mood.

A review published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology states that music can be used to control levels of stress effectively. We say turn on the music you want best, from jazz to metal, and say bye-bye to anxiety.


Running allows you to produce endorphins that are the natural mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. They will fend off elevated levels of the stress-causing hormone cortisol, often referred to as 'feel-good' chemicals. In reality, any sort of cardio, including dance, will automatically uplift your mood, not just running.