Riot Games recently announced that it is launching the open beta of "League of Legends: Wild Rift" would be available in Russia, CIS, Europe, North Africa, Turkey, and the Middle East on Dec. 10. Players in Taiwan, Vietnam, and Oceania will be able to access the game earlier on Dec. 7. In preparation for the arrival of the game's beta, players could use this guide to learn which champions to use in "League of Legends: Wild Rift."

Seraphine (Mage/Support)

Seraphine is a newcomer in "League of Legends: Wild Rift." She features an easy to use kit as a Support. Her passive ability, called Stage Presence allows her to cast her third spell twice while provisioning Notes to her allies. Interestingly, the more Notes Seraphine's allies have, the stronger she becomes.

Seraphine's High Note is an AOE that causes more damage when opponents have lesser health. Her Surround Sound protects allies of provides them movement speed and healing. Meanwhile, her Beat Drop centers on stunning, slowing, rooting enemies. As for her Ultimate, her Encore damages and slows enemies down.

Miss Fortune (Marksman/Mage)

Miss Fortune is the bounty hunter in "League of Legends: Wild Rift." she could wreak havoc with her straightforward kit. Her Passive called Love tap provides bonus damage whenever she hits new targets. Whenever Miss Fortune is not attacking her, Strut could provide her with a passive speed or activates for bonus speed.

Aside from this, her Passive reduces cooldown for this skill. Meanwhile, Miss Fortune's Double Up damages opponents in front of her and crits a target on their back. Her Make It rain creates AOE damage and slows enemies down. Her Ultimate releases an AOE in a cone that causes a lot of damage.

Janna (Support/Mage)

Another champion that "League of Legends: Wild Rift" greenhorns could use is Janna. For this champion, speed is everything and her kit allows her and her allies to boost movement speed and decrease that of the enemies.' Her Passive called tailwind also increases her speed and her allies nearby. The same benefits go with Zephyr. Which at the same time, summons an air elemental that slows down and damages enemies.

Janna's Howling Gale creates a storm that increases in size, causes damage and knocks down enemies. Her Eye of the Storm ability offers allies temporary protection that increases their defense and attack damage. Jana's Ultimate, called Moonsoon, releases a storm around Jana a storm around her and pushes her enemies away. It also heals nearby allies.