The Wildcats of the Weald are a pair of wildcats in the Hamtunscure area and one of the nine Legendary animals that players could hunt in "Assassin's Creed Valhalla" as part of the Master Hunter Trophy. Players also earn XP and materials and gain an area of mastery progress hunting them. Here are some tips and tricks to help players locate these legendary wild cats.

What Are The Wildcats Of the Weald

Based on the player's Hunting Log in "Assassin's Creed Valhalla," the Wildcats of the Weald are considered lions of Wessex who prey on women, children and even babies. They have the ability to lunge, attack, and swipe simultaneously. They are a pair of young and old wildcats.

How to Find the Legendary Wildcats of the Weald

The Wildcats of the Weald are found in Hamtunscire in England. They, specifically lounge in the Dark Weald on the southwest of Wincestere. To find them, players could follow the trails of blood, pawprints, and even bodies. They would be in the rocks where would serve as the boss arena. When "Assassin's Creed Valhalla" players enter the area, they will trigger the boss fight against the Wildcats of the Weald.

How To Defeat the Legendary Wildcats of the Weald

"Assassin's Creed Valhalla" players should focus on the young lynx, which is as easy to kill as any other wild lynx. Since the younger one is small, it is likely to lunge at the player. The best thing to do is to dodge at the very moment of attack. This will technically slow time down and would leave them vulnerable to melee attacks or arrow shots.

While it is important not to lose sight of the small one, players should concentrate on defeating the Elder Lynx first. Players should move around, attack using a ranged weapon, and switch to melee immediately when the cat seems ready to pounce. If the small lynx attacks from behind and clings on, players should roll to get the creature off and to avoid health from being drained.

Other Details

It is important that "Assassin's Creed Valhalla" players should not try this hunt until they reach at least 200 to 300 Power. Also, always save progress before triggering the fight and stock up Rations. The Legendary Wildcats of the Weald is a more challenging Legendary Animal boss fights in "Assassin's Creed Valhalla."

Players receive some skill points, XP, 1 Hamtunscire Mystery, Skratii Scheme and 160 Leather. Eivor could bring the head to Wallace to have it mounted.