"Among Us' offers a lot of customization options that players could use, and picking the right outfits and colors could be crucial in staying alive during Emergency Meetings. Colors do not affect the gameplay, but it affects how the players appear to others. Here are some tips and tricks on how to hide in plain sight in the online social deduction game.

How To Hide In Plain Sight In "Among Us"

Players could try to hide their true color in the game by using hats, outfits, and even a pet. Regardless of the gaming platform players are using, their skins do not appear in body report screens and in Emergency Meetings. What other players see during these times in the game is the player's true color.

If someone runs around in a red jumpsuit, even their face is blue, what players would remember is the color of the jumpsuit and not the color of the face. Crewmates could make the same mistake, especially when the game's low visibility setting is turned on. The key here is to choose bright-colored skins like white spacesuits or blue overalls to make the player's real color more challenging to recall.

Wearing huge hats can also help in hiding the true color of the crewmate's face. In "Among Us," there is no skin that could hide the player's true color totally, but matching and mixing bold skins could confuse other players. This trick is not cheating but more of knowing how to play by the rules.

"Among Us" Airship Map

A few days ago, Indie developer Innersloth announced that a fourth map dubbed as Airship is coming in "Among Us." The announcement was made on Dec. 10 at The Games Award 2020, where the game wind the best multiplayer title of the year. Innersloth has not yet revealed much about the upcoming map, but players should anticipate new tasks for crewmates to accomplish.

It is highly likely that the Airship map is more elaborate compared to previous maps. Based on the teaser, it features elevators and ladders that players could use to access various areas of the ship. The upcoming map is also anticipated to provide several spawn points after a meeting that would allow them to avoid grouping up.

In November, Innersloth teased the Airship map on its official Twitter account. It features an interesting color and shows more detail compared to other maps in the game. 'Among Us" was released in June 2018, but it was only in 2020 that it became a viral sensation.