Season 13 titled "Winter War" already kicked off in "Call of Duty Mobile," introducing a plethora of new content that players could unlock and enjoy. One of these is the highly requested mastery skin Diamond camo. For players wondering how to get their hands on the new skin, here are some tips and tricks.

How To Unlock Diamond Camo in "Call of Duty Mobile"

In Season 13, "Call of Duty Mobile" does not require players to unlock all weapons' gold camo. Instead, Activision wants them to unlock the camo pattern by earning a certain number of kills using specified weapons.

The kill counts depend on the weapon category players are working on. The process, however, is time-consuming but totally worth it. For every Assault Rifle, "Call of Duty Mobile" players need to complete 150 matches and secure 10 kills in every match using the weapon. That is a total of 1500 kills. Players also need to complete 12o matches and secure 10 kills in each match using an SMG, securing 1200 kills all in all.

The same requirements apply to Sniper Rifle. Players need to secure 10 kills in each match and finish 120 matches or 1200 kills using each Sniper Rifle. Aside from those, players need to complete 120 matches, and secure 10 kills in every match using each LMG weapon. The same applies to Shotgun, where players need to secure a total of 1200 kills using the weapon.

Players also need to complete 80 matches using each Pistol in the game and kill 10 in every match, which is 800 kills in total. Another requirement that players need to meet to get the Diamond camo is getting 500 total kills using each Melee Weapon available in "Call of Duty Mobile. For every launcher, players must secure to shoot down 100 UAVs.

Considering the number of kills required, "Call of Duty Mobile" players will definitely need a lot of time before they could get their hands on the Diamond camo.

Season 13

Season 13 is now live in "Call of Duty Mobile." Dubbed as Winter War, the new season introduced the Nuketown Russia map and the Raid map. There are also new weapons, new scorestreaks, and a lot more that players can enjoy.

"Call of Duty Mobile" is now available worldwide. The game is playable on iOS and Android devices.