Green coffee beans, or raw coffee beans, are coffee beans that are not roasted. Green coffee bean extract is a popular weight-loss supplement.

Some research also suggests that green coffee bean extract may have positive effects on health, such as improving blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This belief is founded on antioxidant properties and other pharmacologically active compounds in unroasted beans.

Although there is some preliminary evidence that it may possibly assist with weight loss and blood pressure, some trials have been shown to be flawed and more testing is needed to assess the benefits. People also take green coffee with other disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and bacterial infections, but there is no evidence that it benefits.

Here's what you need to know about green coffee and its advantages.

What is green coffee made of? 

Green coffee contains polyphenol compounds known as chlorogenic acids that are plant-based micronutrients. The roasting method will eliminate these compounds, so regular coffee does not have as much chlorogenic acid as green coffee.

Green coffee, like regular coffee, also contains caffeine. Green coffee extracts can contain up to 17 percent of caffeine. The amount of caffeine you get will vary based on the brand, the method of preparation, and the amount you drink.

Does green coffee have any health benefits?

Green coffee is believed to provide health benefits owing to the large level of chlorogenic acids that function as antioxidants.

However, any benefits still need to be definitively proven by science; while there has been some research into the benefits of green coffee, it is still preliminary.

For example, a small 2018 study with around 40 participants diagnosed with metabolic syndrome found that green coffee extract combined with a balanced diet helped participants lose weight. Participants also saw gains in their blood pressure as well as certain symptoms of diabetes, such as fasting blood sugar and insulin resistance. Participants took 400 milligrams of green coffee extract twice daily for four weeks.

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, the evidence from studies investigating the effects of green coffee on obesity and blood pressure is still inconclusive. There is also insufficient evidence that green coffee can benefit diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or other conditions of health.

The takeaway

There are countless supplements that are marketed as miraculous weight-loss remedies, including green coffee. Although preliminary research on green coffee supplements has shown promise, its benefits have yet to be established with conclusive evidence.

In fact, green coffee supplements have been tested for misleading marketing practices and fraudulent claims for weight loss. A cautionary approach is therefore recommended when it comes to supplements, although drinking moderate amounts of green coffee is considered safe for most people.