Almost all "Call of Duty: Warzone" weapons are viable when handled by the right hands, but even the reliable AK47u could at times prove challenging to some players. Incorrect magazine, poor handling stats, lousy rate of fire, and average damage all means a weapon that does not excel at anything. In this guide, players could learn the best AK47u loadout that could help them secure victory.

Best AK74u Muzzle in "Call of Duty: Warzone"

The main strengths of AK47u include range, rate of fire, and accuracy. This loadout centers on improving these strengths and increasing the weapon's ADS speed, recoil control and movement. To increase the weapon's vertical recoil control, players can add the Spetsnaz Compensator or they could also go for the GRU Suppressor or just remove the muzzle entirely. Unlike in "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's" Monolithic Suppressor, those available in "Warzone" do not provide bullet velocity boost.

For its barrel, players could opt for the 10.3" Liberator, which boosts the velocity of the bullet. For the uninitiated, bullet velocity is the rate at which bullets register hits quicker than usual. It also reduces the feeling of lag and crucial when playing at close encounters.

Best AK74u Handle And Stock in "Call of Duty: Warzone"

Since players most of the time are engaged in running and firing their weapons, fast reaction is crucial. To achieve this, players could use the Quickdraw Handle and Tactical Stock. These two will boost the player's movement speed while they are aiming and will also improve the player's ADS speed. Players could also use the Spetsnaz Field Grip in the handle to flinch resistance and achieve improved ADS speed. However, they will have to compromise the cost of the sprint to fire time.

Best AK74u Ammunition And Laser in "Call of Duty: Warzone"

The AK47u has a high fire rate, so players could use the standard 40 Rnd Drum to complement this lethal weapon. This ammunition does not affect the ADS speed and provides a lot of ammunition to take down many opponents. As for the AK47u's laser, players could grab the Steady Aim laser. This would provide greater hip fire, ideal when clearing buildings, and does not require time to aim. For those who really need to ADS, they can get the Speed Tape to boost their pace.

"Call of Duty: Warzone" was released in March 2020. The game is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.