China innovation

The Latest

  • China Showcases Latest Electronics Products At CES 2020
    CES 2020
    Chinese creative spirit and aspirations are as strong as its major Western competitors at CES 202
  • China-Switzerland Innovative Strategic Partnership Reaches Consensus
    Chinese flag waves in front of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
    The China-Switzerland Innovative Strategic Partnership develops further as both countries agreed on welcoming investments from China into Switzerland and improving communications regarding human rights issues in China.
  • Innovative Activities To Drive China’s Industrial Categories
    China factory
    Experts believe innovation will keep China’s goals toward sustainable development on track despite trade tensions.
  • China To Improve Greater Bay Area’s Overall Innovation Capability
    Hong Kong tech workers
    China has its eyes set on improving the country's Greater Bay Area capacity in innovation and technology. New centers will be built within the region to achieve higher innovation capabilities.