DICE has the reason for the delays of Battlefield V release date and that is to make extra adjustments to the prominent game's core gameplay experience. The famous video game developer announced the franchise's comeback to World War 2 with Battlefield V this November 2018.

According to Screen Rant, "Battlefield V" is a title that does not only represent the fifth core Battlefield edition of the game. It also symbolizes "V for Victory," which is famous during that period. However, they will not focus on the major battles, which were commonly done in the past. The new installment will reportedly aim to put in the spotlight the engagements most people do not about.

It can be recalled that avid followers of the game got their first glimpse at the E3 2018 and Gamescom 2018 last August. Aside from these, they had the opportunity to finally go hands-on with the game during two closed Alpha sessions all summer. It is safe to say that DICE learned a lot of things while monitoring the Battlefield community during the gameplay sessions.

One proof of the developer's sensitivity towards the new installment is planning a few adjustments to the title before being launched later this year. Sadly, the changes led to delaying the game by a month to give themselves enough time syncing every detail. DICE General Manager Oskar Gabrielson revealed they are delaying Battlefield V from Oct. 19 to Nov. 20.

The decision was finalized a week before Battlefield V's open Beta in early September. One reason why they're delaying Is wanting to listen to more feedback from the community as well. "We're going to take the time to continue to make some final adjustments to core gameplay, and to ensure we really deliver on the potential of Tides of War," said Gabrielson.

Battlefield fans may have to wait another month but the delay may be a good thing for those who were hesitant to jump onboard with Battlefield V after the closed alpha. After all, DICE will have enough time to make sure they will deliver all the new mechanics.

The developer has promised to fix several issues such as the ability to drag teammates. This has not been available in any playable version of the game. It is something essential for the upcoming Battle V. Furthermore, this would free up the month of October with already so much launching set to happen.  This includes Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Call of Duty: Black Ops.