Following a tragic 2013 skiing incident that caused traumatic brain injuries, famed F1 legend Michael Schumacher has remained unseen for years. Despite this, people have been posting photos of him along with his alleged children. Now, one of his children, racer Mick Schumacher, took to Twitter to clear up any confusion this has caused.

In a move that further enforces their privacy and clears up unnecessary confusion regarding their family, Mick announced via Twitter that some photos posted online, supposedly showing his father with him and his sister Gina, are wrong and should be taken down.

Mick, using a stern tone, addressed his message to "all media." Apparently, the children in the photos are totally different people, and he said he is "sorry" for them.

Both Michael and Mick's fans responded to the latter's tweet with sympathy and a wish that media would take the photos down. One of them even said that while he understands Mick and agrees with him, he can't help but notice how happy the older Schumacher was with the children in the photos.

A "Champion and great man," he added.

To date, it remains unclear as to who the children in the photos are. At least, now it's clear that they aren't Mick or Gina.

Following his father's footsteps

As for Mick, he won the European Formula 3 in 2018 and is set to enter the Formula 2 with Prema Powerteam this year, online outlet GP Fans reported. Obviously following his 50-year-old father's footsteps, he is on his way to the F1 even at such a young age.

Recently, Mick signed to Ferrari's Driver Academy and might soon make a debut at an official F1 event later this year.

A strong family

Last month, Sabine Kehm, Michael's manager, opened up about Michael and his relationship with his family, noting how important they are to him in handling the stress of being a celebrity and champion racing driver, the New Zealand Herald reported.

Kehm said that Michael and his wife Corinna were a "perfect" couple, and that whenever Michael was home, Formula One was kept far away.

Since his skiing accident, however, Michael hasn't been seen anywhere in public. Mirror reported that he is receiving round the clock treatment in Lake Geneva.

His wife Corinna, on the eve of his 50th birthday, gave a rare message regarding his health condition, saying they are doing all that they can to help him get well.

Here's to hoping that the legend will soon recover from his injuries.