When "Pokemon Go" was first introduced to the public, it became an instant hit because it is not only fun, but it also revolutionized the gaming industry by allowing people to play the game in the real world. Over the years, Niantic Labs, the game developer, has been introducing significant changes to the game to keep the players excited and to maintain its massive player base. But, it seems that Niantic Labs is not yet done with interesting surprises and if the new data mined details are accurate, players are in for another fun-filled adventure.

It was already known to the player base of "Pokemon Go" that Niantic Labs would soon add Shadow Pokemon to the augmented reality game. These Shadow Pocket Monsters have closed rock-solid hearts, embraced the black aura, and typically possess a pair of burning red eyes. But, there is a way to cleanse and purify these frightening creatures and save them from Team Rocket through the new gameplay in the game.

Serial "Pokemon GO" leaker named Chrales recently shared interesting details related to these Shadow Pokemon. According to the data miner, he uncovered the dialogue for the upcoming Special Research event to introduce the new mechanics in the game. The new event which will involve the Team Go rocket and the Shadow Pokemon Special research will be officially called A Troubling Situation.

The data mined details reveal, and in a way, confirm some factors about the upcoming "Pokemon GO" event. It reveals that the popular group of team Rocket will be called Team Go Rocket in the upcoming event. Additionally, it confirms that the evil group will take over the Pokestops and the players will have to fight them to recover Shadow Pokemon.

The data miner also revealed that the upcoming event would not be as long as some of the Special Research tasks in "Pokemon GO." During this event, the players have to complete nine tasks with all the tasks associated with Shadow Pokemon and Team GO Rocket.

Based on the data mined dialogue, players will have first to fight Team GO rocket and power up its own pocket monster. The second step will involve overpowering and catching Shadow Pokemon. The third step will involve cleansing and purification while the final dialogue seemingly reveals that purifying Shadow Pokemon will replace the move called Frustration with Return.

The serial leaker and data miner also uncovered from his activity a list of pocket monsters that will be in the upcoming "Pokemon GO" event and will join Shadow Pokemon. Additionally, some of the grunts will be linked to some Pokemon, which could mean that the strongest creatures will be tied to the more powerful grunts of the Team GO Rocket.