The Reddit user who started the rumors concerning "Red Dead Redemption Remake" as well as the "Red Dead Redemption 2" Alien DLC now admitted that he just made up everything. This is sad news, especially for those who believed and hoped that the rumor was true. According to the leaker, he was just experimenting and would like to see if the rumor will blow up while checking which gaming sites would report about the rumor.

Fake Claims

The claims were shaky, particularly the part where the leaker shared that the source of his claims is a friend working on Rockstar Games. For those who missed the news, Reddit user named throwaway11113454 shared that Rockstar Games is currently working on "Red Dead Redemption Remake" for the current generation consoles, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The leaker also claimed that the game developer is also working on "Red Dead Redemption 2" Aliens DC.

The leaker revealed that he has been planning to do this for a long time and found the best opportunity to do so when several Alien references in the Story mode of Red Dead Redemption 2" surfaced. He said that he just would like to make a fool of everyone and made them think that a DLC for the second iteration of the game is coming soon. But, while the leaker admitted that his previous claims were not true, there is still a possibility that Rockstar Games might release a DLC in the far future.


Many "Red Dead Redemption 2" players believe that Rockstar Games might indeed release downloadable content for the game soon. There are actually many indicators in the game. One of these is the locked area. This only means that the game developers would like the gamers to believe that they are planning something for that particular part. But, it is hard to assume, for now, it is merely a speculation.

Another indicator that a DLC is coming to "Red Dead Redemption 2" is the statement of Take Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games. According to Take-Two, downloadable contents are very profitable business models, so there are no other valid reasons why they would not do it with "Red Dead Redemption 2."

Fake news is the main reasons why in our reports, we advise readers to wait for the official confirmation from the company or take the report with a pinch of salt. For now, it is smart not to wait for the "Red Dead Redemption Remake." Meanwhile, "Red Dead Redemption 2" is available in various gaming platforms like the PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.