There is a new "The Witcher 3" Nintendo Switch footage that is released online, revealing how the game will run on the console. While there are things that can certainly be improved, it does not look to bad when played in the handheld mode, reviewers, say.

As reported by WCCF Tech, "The Witcher 3" new footage is something to be in awe of. The developer Saber Interactive reportedly still had to make certain compromises to make the game smooth and decent to operate on the console, but at present, it does not look too shabby. In comparison to how other less demanding titles are being played in handheld mode, this is even very good.

The footage can certainly excite many. It was just a few months back when "The Witcher 3" on Nintendo Switch has been announced at the E3. Some improvements have been made since then, the company itself stated. "Of course, along that path, we've worked on specific optimizations. We've definitely worked a lot on memory optimization. We have much less memory available on the Switch [compared to the other consoles]. So making sure that the game works stable and within those boundaries, that took a while. Some things we've added a bit later, like the AO [ambient occlusion] which wasn't there I would say in the earlier builds," the statement reads.

WFFF Tech played "The Witcher 3" on Nintendo Switch ahead of its launch and was quite impressed. With regard to content, no compromises were made. Visual fidelity has been tweaked a little bit but nothing too radical. Audio options and slower loading time were also some minor issues that were pointed out.

However, the site claimed that if this game is fully released, it will "be the best open-world game on the Nintendo Switch." It will also be the best game in general on the Switch. He said he is yet to know if the game will be kind to the battery.

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition" will be launched the Nintendo Switch on October 15. Fans who cannot wait can now place a pre-order. The game is estimated to be 28 GB in size and has been developed by CD Projekt Red.

In other news, the Nintendo Switch Life, announced back in July is starting to look really promising. Several analysts were able to test it out ahead and gave several reasons why it will be a good buy. According to Wired, kids will certainly be blessed to own this handheld console.