There is little doubt that SEVENTEEN fans have been missing S.Coups for some time now. After all, the leader of the boy group has been in hiatus for over three months. However, Choi Seungcheol suddenly started trending on social media with the hashtag #SEUNGCHEOL. Interestingly, Carats had mixed reactions to the sudden popularity of the beloved idol.

Back in November 2019, Pledis Entertainment announced that S.Coups went through a health evaluation after getting symptoms of anxiety. His management as well as his fellow SEVENTEEN members and Choi Seungcheol himself decided that he would given time to rest and focus on his mental health. The details of the rapper's health were not released but Pledis asked fans to avoid assuming too much about his state. Not surprisingly, Carats have complied with this and expressed their support for Seungcheol.

Unfortunately, S.Coups' hiatus meant that he would miss out on activities and events involving his boy group, including SEVENTEEN's Ode To You world tour. Nevertheless, the other members continued to make Choi Seungcheol a part of almost every event by always bringing an image of their leader with them in group photos.

For now, there haven't been any official updates on S.Coups although fans continue to express how much they miss the rapper and hope his mental health is improving. Amazingly, things changed when SEVENTEEN returned from the North American leg of the Ode To You tour. According to some fans, recent photos, as well as a video of Choi Seungcheol reuniting with some members of his group, have surfaced on social media.

The source of the images and video have not been identified but the news immediately led to the hashtag #SEUNGCHEOL becoming one of the top trending hashtags on Twitter. Needless to say, fans were excited about S.Coups' possible return. On the other hand, Carats have also pointed out that the pictures and video were taken without the group's permission and are a violation of their privacy.

It's understandable why fans got excited about S.Coups' comeback since his presence during events and activities involving SEVENTEEN is sorely missed. However, it is important to remember that Choi Seungcheol still needs his privacy especially since he is currently in hiatus and may not be ready to return to the limelight. Fans who have shared the images and video have been advised to take them down immediately until Pledis and S.Coups himself makes an official announcement about his return.