WARNING: This article may contain some spoilers for Supergirl season 5. Read at your own risk.

Supergirl season 5 saw the return of former series regular Jeremy Jordan, who reprised his role as Winn Schott. The character is now different from who he was, and he also showed an adventurous side. Many were delighted to see him back, especially since his appearance brings nostalgic feelings. But, the question now: is there a chance the character would come back to the series in the future?

Recently, Supergirl season 5 aired its 100th episode, and it also wrapped up Jordan's Winn three-episode return arc. But despite that, it looks like the actor is looking forward to his next appearance. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the actor said he would be more than happy to come back and be a guest star again in the future.

However, he noted that his next appearance may not happen in Supergirl season 5. Jordan revealed the series is almost done filming its current installment, so his appearance is unlikely. Yet, he's hoping the series would find something to continue his character's journey so he could join the gang next season. Thus, there's a possibility Winn will appear again in the future, as long as the series allows it.

Jordan decided to leave the series after starring as series regular for three seasons. Despite that, he always knew he'd be back at some point. He explained that following his departure, they had mutually agreed he would be back for some episodes as soon as possible. He was supposed to appear in the fourth installment, but there were conflicts in the scheduling and storylines.

Since he can't appear in season 4, Jordan said they planned his appearance in season 5 and made it happen. His return in the 100th episode also made sense, especially since the series wanted to bring back a lot of familiar people on that particular episode. Eventually, things go really well and they're able to make his three-episode return arc possible.

Aside from Jordan's appearance, the 100th episode also featured other familiar faces. The episode saw the return of Sam Witwer as Ben Lockwood, Chris Wood as Mon-El, and Odette Annable as Samantha. The episode also delivered an important storyline for Kara, wherein she looked back on her past and had a chance to change it.

Supergirl season 5 airs every Sunday night on The CW. However, it's worth noting that there will be no new episode airing next week, and the next episode is set to air on March 8.