Short of unveiling the real product, Microsoft has practically unpacked everything there is to know about the Xbox Series X, its official name even confirmed. The ball is now on Sony, which has elected so far to remain secretive about the PlayStation 5. Will, the company, make a surprise move soon?

That appears to be the minimum expectation since Microsoft has done its part. The real Xbox Series X is still unmasked, but at least there are juicy details that were released recently. The next-gen Xbox promises to be as powerful as a PC gaming machine, and it will boast of modern features that will extend from the basic function of console gaming.

It is now incumbent on Sony to let out bits of teasers about the PS5 lest the device will fall behind, according to BGR.

"Sony simply has to make its move now with the PlayStation 5 or risk falling far behind among gamers' mindshare," the report said, adding there should be hints on tempting new PS5 details in the days to come.

Should that be the case, what exactly can be expected from Sony?

The new Xbox will roll out having the most premium components available - powerful CPU and GPU, superfast SSD, and the ability to leverage the rising technology like cloud computing. It should be safe to assume; the Sony PS5 will have the same or exceed what Microsoft has to offer with the Series X.

Forbes said Sony will surely ramp up on its marketing approach in the days and weeks to come. There will be increasing conversations on how powerful and impressive the PS5 will be. Specs will be leaked out clues will be dropped on new and perhaps unique functionalities.

The point is, Sony will attempt to steal the show that for now seems to be dominated by the Xbox Series X. One area that likely will be the focus of Sony's PS5 awareness campaign is pricing. In this respect, the PlayStation enjoys an edge because, in the past, the device was considerably cheaper.

It might be that Sony will suggest soon that when the two consoles get out later this 2020, the more reasonable option would be the PS5. The new Xbox and the PS5 will most likely stand on equal ground when it comes to console power and capabilities, so the pricing should prove crucial.

If the PS5 is cheaper by at least $100 on the base model face-off, then for many gamers, the choice should be easy.

As things stand now, Microsoft enjoys the upper hand for releasing advanced information on the Xbox Series X, but Sony is sure to drop a surprise soon. One example is, the PS5 will be confirmed to release bundled with the next installment of God of War, which undeniably is an exciting marketing blitz.