WARNING: This article may contain spoilers for The Blacklist season 7 episode 16. Read at your own risk.

The Blacklist season 7 episode 16 is set to arrive later this month on NBC, with the title "Nyle Hatcher." This episode will feature a Dembe Zuma's storyline and this is also a chance to meet some of the people in his life. Someone close to him is in peril, so he'll do whatever he can to help him.

What's interesting about Dembe's story in The Blacklist season 7 episode 16 is that we're going to see one of his close friends in the spotlight. Viewers only know a few important people in his life, including his daughter, granddaughter, as well as Red. So, it's nice to see that there are other people he cares about.

Dembe doesn't have much time for a social life, but he still cares for the people close to him. In the episode, one of his friends is in danger and Red will try to help him. There is a huge chance Dembe's friend will be saved, given that Red is on his side.

After all, Red is willing to do whatever he can to help those he is loyal to. We know that he's loyal to Dembe, whose absence in the previous season really hurts Red. Meanwhile, The Blacklist season 7 episode 16 will also see Liz and the Task Force taking on a cold case that may have new victims.

In another report, NBC recently confirmed the official season finale date of The Blacklist season 7, which is on Friday, May 15. That means the series is not returning later this spring, which is understandable considering the health crisis happening around the world at the moment.

But then, that also means that The Blacklist season 7 might be incomplete, though the stories might be carried out in the next season. The good news here is that season 8 has already been renewed by NBC, so the writers will likely incorporate the remaining episodes that weren't filmed in the new installment.

There are still a lot of big storylines this season, such as Katarina Rostova's. As per CarterMatt, this particular story may not wrap up this season and may continue in season 8. And aside from that, the series still has a lot of stories that needed to be explored.

The Blacklist season 7 episode 16 will be airing on Friday night, Apr. 24, on NBC.