This "League of Legends: Wild Rift" guide lists the champions who have been dominating their lanes over the past months, but when a new patch rolls out, it is wise to change methods.

Baron Lane

The top lane is always the most isolated part of the "League of Legends: Wild Rift" map. The key to surviving potential gunks from the enemy jungler is by having self-sustaining abilities. Aside from being tanky, players need Garen and Tryndamere to eradicate most of the champions in "Wild Rift."

Garen is a must-have champion in Baron Lane because of his utility spells-filled kit. The champion is loaded with a passive health regeneration spell. One of his destructive abilities doubles as a cleanse that allows him to purge all debuffs hurled against him. Garen's real damage-dealing ultimate means that he is not likely to miss kills. His first ability is the Decisive Strike that silences opponents when it hits them.

Another must-have "League of Legends: Wild Rift" champion in Baron Lane is Tryndamere. He is like a ticking time bomb in this part of the map, equipped with a kit that provides him with all the damage he needs. Like a wounded soldier, Tyrndamere becomes a lot stronger when he is low on HP. Every hit this champion lands raises the chance to land a critical hit.


This makes him one of the heavy hitters in "League of Legends: Wild Rift" when his hit comes with his first spell. Tyndamere's third spell, called the Spinning Slash, allows him to get in and out of battles easily. Along with an ultimate, Tryndamer becomes immortal for five short seconds.


In "League of Legends: Wild Rift," junglers have the most impact on the match's result. They have the ability to make the lives of enemy laners a living hell and they could provide help in any lane should there be any trouble. Just by farming, junglers can take over a match when they go uncontested. Interestingly, junglers could take down dragons all by themselves, making them priceless assets to the team.

One of the best junglers in "League of Legends: Wild Rift" is Master Yi. He is the fastest sword swinger in the game, which could be the reincarnation of The Flash. His passive ability enables him to gather stacks that power his auto attacks by 50% of his AD damage. He can blink from one enemy to another in just a blink of an eye making him almost unstoppable.

Gragas is also a valuable champion who could be used as a playmaker in "League of Legends: Wild Rift." He could initiate teamfights because of his tanky nature and crowd-controlling abilities. His ultimate, dubbed as Explosive Cask, can almost immediately cause the opposing team to be in a less favorable situation. Gragas can use his Body Slam to close the gap and stun anyone that collides with it.