The Meta of "League of Legends: Wild Rift" is already set. However, some who are new to the game and even those veteran players who want to try new lanes could make use of the game's tier list. Players could check out this list to know what is worth grinding the ladder with in "League of Legends: Wild Rift."

Top Picks in "League of Legends: Wild Rift"

This list stands out from the rest of the picks in this guide. Some players even considered these champions as overpowered. These characters are capable of performing their job more efficiently compared to their other roles. This makes them outshine other potential options.

For the Top Lane, "League of Legends: Wild Rift," players could use Camille, Gragas, and Malphite. Top Junglers for this month include Lee Sin and Olaf, while Mid-laners could include Akali and Zed. Champions that perform well as ADCs include Ezreal, Jhin, and Kai'Sa. Meanwhile, champions that shine above the rest as Support includes Blitzcrank and Seraphine.

Weakest Pick In "League of Legends: Wild Rift"

These champions are barely picked in the game because of the notion that they are the weakest. However, they are only presumed weak because of the stronger picks that could counter them. These champions are viable and when handled by the right player, they could still significantly contribute to achieving victory.

Garen, Singed and Tryndamereor are the top three players that are seldom picked for Top Lane. Amumu, Evelynn, Graves, Jarvan and Vi are rarely chosen as Junglers in "League of Legends: Wild Rift." Aurelion Sol, Twisted Fate, Yasuo and Ziggs are champions seldom picked as mid-laners. For ADC, Varus and Vayne are the champions that are rarely chosen, while Janna, Nami and Soraka are seldom chosen as Support champions.

Meta Tier List in "League of Legends: Wild Rift"

This list is what most players usually see in "League of Legends: Wild Rift." These lists are easier to counter. This includes Dr. Mundo, Fiora, Jax and Nasus for the Top lane. Junglers include Master Yi, Shyvana and Xin Zhao. Mid lane champion list includes Ahri, Annie, Fizz and Orianna. Meanwhile, Ashe, Jinx and Miss Fortune are the Meta picks for ADC while Braum, Lux, Alistar and Sona make up the Support list.

"League of Legends: Wild Rift" is currently available in some regions. The game's open beta is set to arrive in Europe, the Middle East, Russia, CIS and Turkey on Dec. 10. The game is playable on iOS and Android devices.