The humble acai berry, praised as a superfood by health practitioners, has been tied to amazing health benefits.

An indigenous berry from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, it is always healthier to eat these berries raw where possible and without a heap of sugar. Here are 4 health benefits that studies have found that acai berry can offer.

Acai berries are really healthy for your skin

There is an explanation of why acai berries are known as the beauty berry in Brazil! Acai berries are packed with antioxidants, as well as beauty vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for the health of the skin.

Remember anthocyanins? The flavonoid that gives these berries a purple hue? They are especially the "powerful scavengers" of free radicals. Free radicals not only kill cells but intensify the aging of the skin. Dark spots, wrinkles, fine lines are all related to radical damage.

Acai's vitamin C content also contributes to the development of your natural collagen. Collagen is the most plentiful protein in the body and gives skin structure, suppleness, and stretch. The older we become, the less collagen our skin contains, which is why we are so inclined to wrinkles.

Then there's vitamin E. This antioxidant protects against sun exposure by blocking toxic UV rays.

Acai berries may have anti-cancer properties

Although further research is needed, there are indications that acai berries can defend against or even combat cancer.

Anthocyanins in the fruit have been found to reduce the risk of cancer. In laboratory research, acai pulp decreased both colon and bladder cancer.

As far as people are concerned, the 2006 analysis showed some positive findings when researchers dripped concentrateacai juice into leukemia cells and 86% of cancer cells began to self-destruct.

Acai berries are good for your brain

Do you want to protect your brain from cognitive decline? Acai berries can help you!

In a 2013 study published in the Neuroscience Letters, acai berry extract was found to guard against the build-up of beta-amyloid, which leads to the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

The brain still remains healthy by conducting a mechanism known as autophagy, and acai berries have been found to facilitate or improve this internal housekeeping act. Not only does this allow for the development of new neurons, but it also facilitates contact between brain cells.

Acai berries are good for your heart

Consumption of anthocyanin has been closely related to defense against oxidative stress. One study showed that a daily intake of anthocyanins would minimize the risk of heart disease by 32% in young and middle-aged women.

Fat and heart-healthy fats in acai also encourage heart wellbeing. Heart-healthy fats increase HDL ('good') cholesterol and decrease LDL ('bad') cholesterol.

Numerous longitudinal studies showed a slightly lower risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality with high fiber intake. The consumption of fiber also decreases LDL cholesterol.

Intake of fiber is not only associated with a reduced prevalence of the coronary disease but also with slower development of the disease in high-risk individuals.