Kamala Harris made history when she and Joe Biden won this year's race against Donald Trump and Mike Pence. She will become the first female and first person-of-color Vice President of the United States, and officially hold the record in January 2021.

As the inauguration fastly approaches, The Independent recently released a brief profile on the California senator. The piece tackled her background, particularly her roots.

The publication said that Harris was born in 1964 to an Indian mother, Shyamala Gopalan, and Jamaican father, Donald Harris. She spent her early childhood years in California before relocating to Canada.

The move came after her mother accepted a job at McGill University in Montreal. She returned to the United States to attend Howard University in Washington. In 1990, she passed the bar after attending a law school in San Francisco.

Apart from making history in her post as the Vice President-Elect, Kamala Harris first became the second black woman and the first South Asian to join the senate in 2016. This was not her first time to serve the public, though, as her career began in the early 2000s.

She worked at the Alameda County District Attorney's office before the San Francisco District Attorney's Office recruited her. She, later on, moved on to serving from the City Attorney of San Francisco's office.

Harris's electoral history is extensive, as well. She became the District Attorney of San Francisco in 2003 and became the Attorney General of California in 2010. She continued her post after the re-election in 2014 before joining the senate in 2016.

Reports not only covered her background but, some, also, released a list of the perks she will be getting upon the swearing-in at their inauguration in January. South China Morning Post included some of the least-known provisions Kamala Harris will obtain starting next year.

Unlike the Presidents of the United States, the second-in-line does not have a fixed salary. Theirs is "more fluid," likely because the constitution does not say anything about the Vice President's earnings.

Harris will move in at 1 Observatory Circle, near the White House. This is the official residence of the U.S. Vice Presidents since 1977.

As a resident, Kamala Harris will receive the privilege of redecorating the property, much like what every other Vice Presidents did in the past. She will, also, have access to the Air Force Two, which the First Lady and Secretary of State utilize, as well, for official travels. But, the plane only sticks to its name as the "Air Force Two" when the second-in-command is the one on-board.