Anime fans and "Call of Duty Mobile" players definitely enjoy the arrival of the first-ever anime-themed skins in the game. Unfortunately, these new additions are only available for a limited time. For fans who would like to know about this latest addition in the game, including how to get their hands on them, these tips and tricks could come in handy.

How To Unlock Anime-Themed Skins in "Call of Duty Mobile"

To unlock the new anime-themed skin in the game, players need to purchase the crate until they unlock all the items. The new skins are in the new Bento Box Crate and will be available between Jan. 4 and Jan. 20. Rumors have it that it might be just a start and Activision reportedly plans to introduce more soon.

What's In A Box

Players can get their hands on the new Bento Box Crate in "Call of Duty Mobile" for 180 CoD Points/10 crates. For those who just want a single crate, they can purchase it for 20 CoD Points. There are different Uncommon and Rare items in the Bento Box Crate, but the main highlight is the Epic anime gun weapon skin.

The Bento Box Crate contains three Epic weapon blueprints designed after anime characters. Epic cosmetics available are LK24 - Nosebleeds, Cordite Cherry Blossom, DL Q33 Sweet Sniper, and Epic Charm Chibi Trooper. These three custom weapons feature three weapon classes.

The LK24 Nosebleeds features an OWC Marksman barrel, a tactical scope, the MIP Strike stock, and a Tactical Foregrip under barrel. The Cordite Cherry Blossom, on the other hand, equips a MIP Strike stock, a Merc Foregrip underbarrel, a 48 Round Extended Mag, and a Stipple Gripped Taped rear grip. Meanwhile, the DL Q33 Sweet Sniper features the MIP Light Stock barrel, the MIP Strike stock, an OWC Tactical laser, and an Extended Mag A ammunition.



Other Details

"Call of Duty Mobile" players can do the entire weapon blueprints class to their liking without losing the anime skin. All of these weapons are now available in the game's loot pool. Of the three Epic weapon blueprints, the LK24 is the most sought after. Unfortunately, these weapons have low odds and players only have a 0.25% chance for every pull.

"Call of Duty Mobile" released something similar earlier. The game introduced the Crevasse Crate that features the AK47 Frostband. The original blueprint equips a tactical scope but players who removed the featured scope discovered something interesting.

"Call of Duty Mobile" is available on iOS and Android devices. A new version of the game was released in China in December 2020.