Chinese developer miHoYo launched the Hypostatic Symphony event in "Genshin Impact" a few days ago. It challenges players to defeat a more powerful boss each day and rewards them with goodies. For players looking for ways on how to defeat the Pure Electro Hypostasis boss, they could use some of these tips and tricks.

Hypostatic Symphony Day 4 Challenge Recommended Party

The Day 4 challenge in Hypostatic Symphony is called Violet Lightning Concerto II. Interestingly, the Pure Electro Hypostasis boss is still the same so players can use the same tactics they used before. At this challenge, characters like Ganyu, Xiangling, Diluc, and Chongyun receive an extra +20% damage bonus to the event boss.

Players can use Ganyu for Carry/ Reaction, Diluc for Carry/Resonance, Bennett and Diona for Support/Reso. This party maximizes burst damage and using Boosted characters like Diluc and Ganyu, players can burst the core of the boss when it is exposed. Players can use Bennett and Diona's Elemental Burst as soon as the core exposes to boost massive damage.

Another possible party option could be Kaeya as Carry/Reaction, Xiangling for Carry/Resonance, Barbara for Reso/Healing and Amber for Reso/Support. Players can use Kaeya's Cryo to trigger Superconduct and minimize the DEF of the Pure Electro Hypostasis. They could also this combo to soften up the boss' defense before killing him.

Hypostatic Symphony Day 4 Challenge Battle Tips

When fighting the boss, "Genshin Impact" players should avoid but ignore the Electro Prism. While the Electro Prism in this challenge does not heal the boss, it deals burst damage within its range periodically. Players can destroy these prisms when they become Crystalline Prisms using elemental attacks.

Additionally, players should avoid the Electro Ball which usually comes after the slam attack. The Pure electro Hypostasis releases balls towards the mini-pillars. Players should avoid being in line with the mini pillars from the core to dodge the attack as well as the electro balls.

Interestingly, unlike the regular Electro Hypostasis, the Electro Ball of the Pure Electro Hypostasis follows the player. Players should gain some distance from the ball and stand still to dodge this attack. When the Electro Ball gets near the player, they must dodge away to avoid it.

When the Pure Electro Hypostasis starts the beam attacks, the core will be exposed for the attack. This is the most vulnerable period for the boss and the best time to attack it using burst attacks. Players should also move away from the core after ten seconds since the square will retract and hit the character if it is still around.