The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, is currently in a prolonged battle with cancer and, according to sources, is feeling immense pressure to return to her royal duties. Despite her commitment to recovery, the weight of her responsibilities as a mother, wife, and public figure is heavily on her mind.

A source close to the royal family revealed that Kate, 42, who has three children with Prince William, initially planned to resume her public appearances after Easter, according to Life & Style. However, a setback in her health has delayed her return. "While no one is pushing Kate to do anything but recover, she's still feeling a lot of pressure to get back to her duties and to be even more perfect than before," the source noted.

Kate's sense of duty is compounded by the fact that King Charles, who is also battling cancer, has continued his public engagements. "Kate has guilt that Charles, who's also battling cancer, is out there doing his part," the source added.

Following in the footsteps of Queen Elizabeth II, Kate has adhered to the policy of "never complain, never explain." This stance made it difficult for her to address the rumors that swirled about her health earlier this year. Kate eventually disclosed her diagnosis in a video message in March, explaining that she had discovered her condition after an abdominal surgery in January.

"The princess is still undergoing treatment, which is exhausting," shared the source. Despite her health struggles, Kate's instinct as a mother is to give her children, Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, her full attention. However, balancing her role as a mother with her royal duties and personal recovery is proving to be a significant challenge.

Adding to her stress is Prince William's increased absence due to his royal commitments and support for his father. "It doesn't help that William has been away from home more, so Kate's main support and shoulder to lean on isn't always around," said the source. Despite this, William has been sympathetic and supportive, insisting that Kate take as much time as needed to recover fully.

The royal family's spokesperson updated the public in late May, stating, "The princess is not expected to return to work until it's cleared by her medical team. Early childhood will continue to be central to her public work."

Kate's recent appointment as a Royal Companion of the Order of the Companions of Honour, a prestigious title recognizing service to the arts, sciences, medicine, and public service, added another layer of complexity to her situation. While honored by this recognition, the pressure to fulfill her duties weighs heavily on her as she continues to focus on her health.

Sources close to the family have revealed that Kate has relied heavily on her parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, as well as her siblings, Pippa and James, for support during this challenging time. The Middleton family has been a steadfast source of strength for Kate, providing her with the necessary support and comfort.

Despite the setbacks and pressures, Kate remains determined to return to her public role. "She doesn't want the world to see her like this, and she doesn't want to delay getting back to work as a royal even more, either," the source said. However, her health remains the top priority, and she is taking the necessary time to recover fully.

In light of Kate's prolonged absence, there has been speculation about other royals stepping in to fill the void. One such possibility is Princess Beatrice, who, according to sources, has been asked to take on some public appearances for the monarchy this summer. Beatrice, who currently works as an executive at a tech firm, is reportedly enthusiastic about the opportunity.