
The Latest

  • Trump Wants More Troops In Afghanistan, Iraq Back Home
    But Trump's plan is facing a rare censure from a fellow Republican, Senate leader Mitch McConnell.
  • Trump Says Biden Won U.S. Election But He Won't Concede
    Electoral officials say the U.S. election was the "most secure in American history."
  • Trump Won't Run For President Again In 2024
    Dr. Mary Trump, an author and psychologist, is convinced her uncle Donald Trump won't run for U.S. president again in 2024.
  • Trump Came Very Close To Conceding Defeat While Discussing COVID-19 Vaccine
    Since the November 3 polls, Trump has persisted with baseless allegations of rampant cheating in the ballots.
  • British Prime Minister's No. 1 Dominic Cummings Quits
    Experts say his departure will be detrimental to Johnson's leadership as it faces the pandemic and Brexit.
  • China Encouraged To Renegotiate Trade Deal Following Biden Win
    The China government said officials saw Biden as a more "rational and multilaterally minded" president.
  • Biden To Erase Trump's Most Infamous Executive Orders
    President-elect Joe Biden will issue executive orders that will sweepingly reverse Trump's most infamous policies.
  • Tech Industry Elated Over Biden, Harris' Win
    Joe Biden
    The tech industry, long a bastion of liberalism and the Democratic Party, is elated at Joe Biden's election as U.S. president.
  • Kamala Harris Makes History As The First Woman Elected As U.S. Vice President
    Harris will be a step away from leading the country and poised on a stepping stone to the highest office in the country.
  • China Looks For Warmer Relations Witith Next U.S. Administration
    China this early is trying to repair ties with the United States.
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