The Fortnite Android Beta finally started rolling out last Aug. 9 although this was made exclusive only to Samsung device owners until Aug. 12. With that period lapsed, more Android device owners get the chance to try out the much-hyped battle royale game from Epic and see for themselves why it has become so popular.

Epic has reportedly started rolling out invites ahead of its full release though is still not widely available, Game Spot said. It all depends on whether a player is able to successfully get an invite, meaning the most essential thing is to first sign up for an invitation to the Fortnite Android website. For gamers who want to try their luck, you can do so here.

After signing up, it may be best to wait a bit before an actual invite to download the game arrives. With plenty of other gamers likely to do the same, invites are gradually sent out via e-mail to a multitude of players. Hence, all an individual can do is be patient and wait.

Before signing up, it would be best to check first if the device where the game would be downloaded is ready. Epic already mentioned that aside from Samsung phones, folks who have other Android-powered devices would need high-end handsets to enjoy the game. It would be best to check the list of supported devices jotted down at the Epic website. Among the brands on the list include Xiaomi, Google, Asus, Huawei, OnePlus and LG.

Also, it would be best to take note that the game will not be available at the Google Play Store. Although unusual for most, the reason behind Epic deciding to directly distribute the game is avoiding the 30-percent store tax applied to game purchases made via the Google Store. This allows Epic to make more money from the free-to-play app.

Being in the beta stage, Fortnite is expected to show off some bugs and problems. And according to Android Central, the game has become more frustrating than fun. While game hiccups are expected, graphics allegedly leaves a lot to be desired in terms of optimal play. The graphics settings cannot be tweaked although this may have been done on purpose since it is still in the beta stage.

Other than graphics, some players are also ranting about poor connection, meaning frame rates are likely to be a disappointment. Game controls could use some improvement and there is reportedly no Bluetooth support (for now).

Epic could get a pass seeing that this is in the beta stages. However, the landscape changes once Fortnite comes out with the full release.