For "Pokemon Go" players, one bane when playing the augmented reality game is the number of slots to hold their captured pocket monsters. The default is set at 1,500 although that is about to change from here on.

Apparently, "Pokemon Go" players can now bump up their storage to 2,000 slots according to PokemonGoAPP on Twitter. This development comes in the nick of time with plenty of events lined up heading into December. Spawn rates are expected to spike soon, meaning folks will be going after special critters who are still no on their Pokedex.

However, there is a bit of a catch to it. To get those additional 500 slots, "Pokemon Go" players will have to work to get them. The slots can be purchased from the in-game store where gamers need to pay up 200 coins. This means folks will have to aggressively earn up to get the additional storage, Comicbook said.

But as mentioned in a previous post, there are plenty of activities ahead. There are interesting Community Day events set for December, a reason why it would be best for augmented reality players to get up and go to different places. Increased spawns are expected, another reason why folks are encouraged to be on the prowl.

Like other items in the "Pokemon Go" store, folks can either use real-time money or earn them. It all depends if the added 500 storage space is essential to players who remain hooked to the hit augmented reality game.

For those who may not care, the old practice of transferring irrelevant pocket monsters to the professor in exchange for Pokemon candy will suffice. It may take some effort to do so but better than spending actual money or waiting until one can hit the 200 gold coin mark.

As of now, this may be irrelevant with most going through the standard motions of exploring and handpicking the pocket monsters that they have yet to capture. But things are expected to be different starting Nov. 30 when the Community Day events kick off.

As mentioned in a previous post, the event will start on Nov. 30 at 4:00 p.m. E.T. and last until Dec. 2 at 2:00 p.m. ET. Aside from that, there will also be select special bonuses available starting Dec. 1 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. E.T. Some of the meta-relevant Pokemon to expect are Dratini, Bedlum, and Larvitar, separate from the other spawns from 2018's past Community Day events.