Game of Thrones Season 8 is still months away, and fans continue to share theories on how the story plays out. The speculations are endless, from who wins the Iron Throne to who dies, with Tyrion Lannister supposedly taking the throne and yet one of the casualties in the final season.

Tyrion is one tough Lannister. He managed to get himself out of trouble through his smart ways in the past seven seasons, which is telling of his fate in the final season. He may not be a soldier and does not do hand-to-hand combat, but he sure knows how to overcome whatever challenges that come his way which is why fans do not doubt that he lives to see who takes the Iron Throne and who dies in Game of Thrones Season 8.

However, a Reddit user argued and claimed that Tyrion's death is inevitable because of his past misdeed. He is a "kin-killer," and as one his fate in Westeros is not secure.

Viewers may remember that Tyrion killed his father Tywin in Season 4. He finally had it with his father after years of verbal abuse. The final straw was when he saw Shae, the love of his life, in his father's room and his bed. She had slept with Tywin and Tyrion lost it he strangled her to death and shot his father with Joffrey's crossbow.

It is also worthy to mention that Tyrion evaded a death sentence after he was wrongfully accused of killing Joffrey. Jaime freed him from his jail on the eve of his execution, and it was then that he confronted Tywin and killed him and Shae.

Tyrion escaped Kings Landing with Varys' help, and together they boarded the ship bound to Daenerys Targaryen. Tyrion is still a wanted man in Westeros, which means his death could happen anytime. It could happen in several ways, including in the much-anticipated Night King battle in Game of Thrones Season 8 or afterward. After all, Cersei had ordered a manhunt for Tyrion in exchange for lordship to whoever brings her his head.

"Kin-killers do not fare well in Westeros. Euron killed Balon and will surely die in Season 8...Despite the villainous nature of Tywin, I still think the rule applies."

Interestingly, Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lannister, may have hinted about his character's demise in Game of Thrones Season 8. He had talked about death being "a great way out" for Tyrion.