With Attack Form Deoxys going live on "Pokemon Go", most augmented reality gamers are now trying to find a way to get hold of EX Raid Passes that will allow them to battle the latest Mythical Pokemon from Niantic. And it seems most are being rewarded for their efforts with EX Raid Passes now being issues in preparation for 2019 first wave of EX Raids.

It seems some players have started to receive a new round of EX Raid passes as early as Dec. 27 which will grant them access to EX Raids set to commence on Jan. 4 and 5 of 2019. This should be a sigh of relief for players aching to try and get the Mythical Pokemon although some are still left pondering on how to raise their chances of getting an EX Raid Pass, Game Rant said.

The first thing that a player will need to do is find the nearest EX Raid-eligible gyms. Niantic made things easier by indicating that on the screen when a player visits one. Hence, the only thing a Pokemon Go player will have to do from here is getting a move on and check out the gyms in his area and hope to find an EX Raid Gym.

Be reminded that this is the easy part. The next thing a Pokemon Go player will need to do is find a way to obtain a Gold Gym Badge. Once there, a player will need to complete certain tasks - including battles, defending and giving a defending Pokemon a treat. Some of this should be elementary for players who have been playing Pokemon Go for so long.

Also, be reminded that obtaining an EX Raid Pass at a gym would have better chances with other trainers on board. Hence, there is a need to coordinate with other players to complete these raids and make sure that all the effort in doing so does not go to waste. Some say that at least 20 unique participating players that participate in Raids during a seven day period are likely to get that covered EX Raid Pass for that specific gym.

As most wait for the mayhem to start, Pokemon Go players are expected to be kept busy with a lot of holiday offerings at the moment. If not, gamers can do their homework and prepare needed counters for the Psychic-type Attack Form Deoxys before the actual raid gets underway. For those who want tips, Pokemon Go Hub offers some guides on how to do so here.