Much of the excitement around Avengers: Endgame is geared towards the mystery of the deaths of the characters in Avengers: Infinity War. Fans want to know how and whether they will return from the dead and one cast confirmed that the deaths could be undone.

Cobie Smulders, who plays agent Maria Hill in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies, recently appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to talk about Season 2 of her new TV series Friends From College and about her RV experience. The host tried to get some information out of her about the sequel since as with other viewers, he also wants to know what happens to the decimated heroes. Fallon hilariously prodded Smulders with leading questions but failed to get any substantial detail about the plot of the film.

Smulders held her ground and refused to say anything that might spoil the film. The actress did confirm though that her character is alive and well since she is in Spider-Man: Far From Home, but kept her mouth shut of any potential spoilers for the film.

The appearance of Smulders' Maria Hill in the new spider-man film is old news. As what she said, it is already "out there" thanks to Sony executives who confirmed the actress' involvement in the film long before Disney and Marvel filmed Avengers: Infinity War. They also revealed the timeline in the sequel, which takes place after the events in Avengers: Endgame.

This means that Maria Hill is alive although the mystery is how. She was among those who disintegrated in the Thanos snap. The end-credits scene in Avengers: Infinity War also saw Samuel Jackson's Nick Fury disappear alongside her, and the character is also in the new spider-man film. It is also a mystery how Tom Holland's Peter Parker returned from the dead since he died in Tony Stark's arms in Avengers: Infinity War. Regardless, Smulders said that she had fun and enjoyed working in these big films.

"I love doing these movies. I like working for them and I feel like you don't say things on television...I love the preciousness of all of these, it's so magical we don't want to ruin anything for anyone."

Aside from Maria Hill, Nick Fury, and Peter Parker, other confirmed characters to return from the dead in Avengers: Endgame are Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy leader Star-Lord, and Doctor Strange. They will headline the sequel to their respective films, so it is only understandable to have their deaths undone.