WARNING: This article may contain some spoilers for Doctor Who season 12 finale. Read at your own risk.

Doctor Who season 12 finale will air its two-part episode this week and the following week on BBC, with title "Ascension of the Cybermen" and "The Timeless Children," respectively. There are a lot of things to anticipate within these episodes, especially since both installments will obviously feature the return of the Cybermen and the Timeless Child.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, executive producer Chris Chibnall discussed what viewers can expect in the upcoming Doctor Who season 12 finale. In the first part, he said the episode will see the return of the iconic monsters: the Cybermen. There will be old and new designs of the creature, as well as more than one Cyber-variant in the story.

Chibnall also teased it's the first the Thirteenth Doctor squared off against them. He described the episode as "properly epic," wherein the story is set in the aftermath of a Cyber war. The Cyberman is determined to eliminate the very last of humanity and win the war. The first part of the finale will also feature British actress Julie Graham, who is set to play as Ravio.

Meanwhile, Chibnall didn't share much detail about the second part of Doctor Who season 12 finale. But, it can be recalled that the Timeless Child was first mentioned in the Thirteenth Doctor's second episode. And then, the creature was mentioned again earlier this season when the Master returned; he told The Doctor that everything she knows is a lie.

The executive producer said "The Timeless Children" would be a seismic episode for The Doctor and for the series. Although Chibnall is more tight-lipped about it, he teased that viewers will get some answers and will be left with new questions in a true Doctor Who style. The episode will likely deliver a proper conclusion, but will also leave another huge cliffhanger.

There's a chance the finale will tie everything but will leave another mystery; making fans eager to see another season. There are loose ends that might be explored in season 13, especially since Jodie Whittaker is coming back as the Thirteenth Doctor. As of the moment, there is no indication the actress will be leaving the series anytime soon.

As for what viewers will feel in the finale, Chibnall said it's an emotional and narrative roller coaster. He said these episodes are big, action-packed, emotional, and epic. He also added that Whittaker gave a blistering performance in the final episode. He then noted that viewers will possibly feel "wrung-out" and a little bit "open-mouthed" as well.

Doctor Who season 12 finale airs its first part on Sunday, Feb. 23, on BBC. And then the following week, Sunday, Mar. 1, the series will deliver its second half.