To get into your desired shape, it takes a lot of hard work and pain. Cutting calorie intake isn't enough to build muscles. It's essential to lift weights alongside a balanced diet, do regular workouts according to your target, and much more.

It takes a lot of effort to work out and you must force yourself each day to do better. Post-workout meal plays an essential part in rebuilding muscle. Providing the body with the right nutrients not only helps you heal rapidly, but it also decreases soreness for the following day.

Nearly every exercise enthusiast is aware that protein is one of the greatest foods for muscle regeneration. If, after working out other than protein shakes and bars, you wonder what to eat, here are some things that will help in healing.


Bananas are sold almost everywhere. A large amount of potassium is contained in it. Bananas are also filled with fiber that can alleviate hunger. Carrying a banana in your gym bag is easy, too. It is possible to add this fruit to protein shakes as well.


Important nutrients and micronutrients are found in nuts. You will get protein, fiber, and good fats from a couple of nuts after a workout. There's a number of nuts to pick from. You can also add seeds to it after working out, and eat a pinch of this mixture.


Eggs are among the best sources of protein. Boiled eggs are commonly eaten after exercise. It can also keep you satisfied for longer and help you lose weight by eating eggs for breakfast. Eggs are also rich in vitamins A, D, E, B12, B6, and K.


Quinoa is a healthy source of plant-based protein. It is also high in nutrients and is free of gluten. Quinoa has a low-glycemic index for people with diabetes, which makes it healthy. With high fiber content, you can quickly add quinoa to your diet for weight loss.


Your body loses water when you do workouts. To help improve muscle endurance and strength and decrease muscle soreness, you want to replenish the body's water supply. And while it is important to hydrate when you break a sweat, unless you have had a long and hard workout, you don't need a sports drink that is brimming with unnecessary calories.

How much water you need to drink depends. The American College of Sports Medicine states that with every pound of weight you lose during the exercise, you can drink between two or three cups of water after a workout.